I always love to escape somewhere on the weekends, and this Fourth of July was no exception. My friends and I decided to head to San Francisco for the day, and it was great to be back in the city after a while.
When people asked us what our plan was, we simply replied, “No plan.” Life is full of uncertainty, after all. We just followed our instincts, shopped, ate some delicious food, and enjoyed the cool breeze and blue skies in front of the Ferry Building.

If you visit, make sure not to miss the tasty Peet’s coffee inside the building – their cappuccino is fantastic!

While I’d love to return to San Francisco, I’m not sure if the company will be as fun as this time. For now, let’s cherish the memories we made as “City Gals.” We loved the energetic high pace of the city and the vibrant downtown walk. It reminded me of my good studying days in SF.
As the late afternoon approached, we decided to head back to the South Bay. Unfortunately, we didn’t feel safe in some of the shadier areas. Nonetheless, we enjoyed the stunning views of the sunset as we drove back.

San Francisco, I’ll definitely see you again soon!