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My English listening skill are slowly improved because of TV series. I’m sharing my favorite TV series in Netflix. I always watch again and again.

中文版請見: 推薦 Netflix 美劇

I believe most of readers have seen Friends so I’m not writing more details.

📌 My favorite Indian movies (Netflix & Amazon)

1. The office

Full of stories in the paper company. The branch office –  Micheal Scott is very funny. And the employees in this office are all very classic ( Jim, Dwight…). I always laugh and enojy the American humor! And sometimes I cried when I saw some emotional scene. If you are the new Netflix member, I highly recommend you should watch this! Netflix link


This is one of openings. You can see that everyone has their own personality!

2. Gilmore girls

This is another TV series with many seasons, many episodes. The stories is about the small town story in Connecticut (But it’s filmed in Universal Studio) and the love between mom and daughter. Netflix link


The first season starts on Year 2000! However, this TV series is still very hot( top list) for Amercian colleagues, Colleagues’s mom, sister. I know one of my teacher loves watching with her daughter again every year. Anyways, it’s very classic TV series. Below is it’s opening music

3. New girl

My American colleague recommends me to watch this. It’s a comedy with full of “local language”.  I would said this TV series is more closed to the real world and it’ll help you to enhance the listening skills. Netflix link

推薦印度電影清單 (Netflix & Amazon)


This is my favorite opening! I won’t spoil the story so hurry go watch it!

4. Once upon a time

This TV series is mixed with story telling. Once you start this TV series, you can’t stop to watch!  Netflix link


5. Stranger things

Another creative, great TV series! I was so scared to watch this TV series from beginning. But it’s also a TV series that “once you start, you can’t stop watching” . Anyways, there are only 8 episodes in one season, so it won’t waste you too much time.  Netflix link


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