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Dear Baby,

Dad said he loves you 🙂 ♥ ♥ ♥

Ps, Mom knows he has too much things to say. Asian Dad usually hide their emotion than other western Dads.

However he is putting all his heart to take care of the family and your future. ( Same as your two grandfathers). Asian parenting relationship is long term. (Not just within 18 years old.) Maybe in that time you want to be independent and leave home ASAP. ( Believe me… mom has this period). But when you get older, get more things outsides, and go around the world, you will realize the most sweet, warm love is still from family and home. – Home is the family where live with. ♥

Love Dad 2020.12.7

Dear Baby,

The life is generated from two culture – India & Taiwan, and you will born in most freedom country. Mom hopes you will have kind heart from your dad, friendly, flexible personality from your mom, good manner from traditional Asian culture. And you will get more knowledge, critical thinking in USA. Your life might be a bit difficult as the parent background is special, but it will be your strength as well. Mom is very blessing that you will join our family so quickly! Two side family are waiting for you. And you’re very lucky to have so many people love you and take care of you. Dad & Mom will protect you, care you, love you until one day you’re strong enough to fly, explore the world with your knowledge. ( Your name is “knowledge” in Hindi.) No mater where you go, knowledge with our love will with you forever.

Cookblog Day20 青醬義大利麵

Love Mom 2020.12.7

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