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No matter you are student or employee in America. One cup of coffee will make you a day! I’ll introduce you the different type of coffee and coffee shop. If you are budget saving person, I’ll share with you some non-expensive coffee maker.

Let’s see some pretty coffee shop. It would be nice to relax in Coffee shop with your lovers and family.


1. The advantage of coffee

Coffee can prevent diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, liver disease, etc. Here’s complete info.

2. Type of coffee

2.1 Caffè Americano

Most common coffee in restaurant of coffee shop. Most of time you can refill for free!

Caffè Americano.jpg

2.2 Café Latte

2.5 Flat White 

Coffee mixes with milk. If you like more caffeine, you can try flat white. Flat white is one of my favorite coffee.

Café Latte.jpg

2.3 Cappuccino

It would be the most common coffee name in the world! The coffee is from three layers – Espresso, hot milk, and foam milk. Sometimes you will see the chocolate chips on the top.


2.4 Espresso

Go through by hot water and coffee powder. I would say you will enjoy the tastes of coffee.


2.6 Macchiato 

Nespresso is with condense milk. And the flavor is stronger than cappuccino. It usually keep in the small cup. 

Macchiato .jpg

2.7 Mochaccino (Mocha)

Mocha is like Latte mix with chocolate powder or syrup. 

Blogmas Day8 安靜的吃頓午餐


2.8 Irish Coffee

Mix with coffee, whisky and sugar. And then a layer of cream. The coffee is from Ireland. And it came a romantic story. 

 Irish Coffee.jpg

3. Types of Coffee shops

3.1 Normal coffee shops


3.2 Start-up Coffee shop

You will see “Nerd-Coffee shop” a lot in California! There’s full of table, charger, good Wi-fi. And people are discussing about the business model and ideas.blue bottle.jpg

4. Common coffee shops

4.1 Starbucks

In Asia, Starbucks is premium image. But you will see Starbucks are everywhere! And I used to stay here and write something in my lunch break. Sometimes I’m thinking I’ll become” California JK Rowling.”

starbucks 2.jpg

4.2 Peet’s Coffee

Peets coffee.jpg

4.3 Dunkin’ Donuts

Dunkin' Donuts.jpg

5. Common coffee shop in Bay area

5.1 Philz Coffee

The famous item: Mint Mojito is good to try it!

Philz Coffee.jpg

5.2 Blue Bottle

blue bottle 2.jpg

5.3 Red Rock Coffee Co

Located in Mountain view.

6. Budget saving Coffee maker

If you think it’s too expensive to drink coffee everyday. Why not to make coffee by your own. Here’s my experience.

7.1 Mr. Coffee

It’s cheap and only around $20. I used this coffee maker when I was student.

Coffee Maker/ Ground Coffee Coffee filter

Mr. Coffee 1.jpg

7.2 Keurig

You just need to insert K-cup and the coffee is ready to go within 2 mins! The price is around $200. Coffee/ K-cup


7.3 Nespresso

I got this in last thanksgiving and it just costed me $100.

Coffee machine/ Capsule



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