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Today it’s sunny and warm in Bay Area. And my family, across the pacific ocean, is celebrating Mid-Autumn festival. Happy moon festival to all my dear readers from different countries! Some friends who are not Asian, you might curious about what’s this festival?

The above story from small little girl video can give you some idea. And Chinese friends will be so surprised and happy if you bring this to them.

Meanwhile, I just came up an idea why not give it a try to Indo-Chinese food.  Literally the Chow mien is still similar as Chinese food. And regarding my Indian friends, this food is getting popular in India. People like to order it on the street( street food). I wanna try this experience next time in India! Let’s start…!


Prepare the boiling water and put noodle and carrot inside. Add one spoon oil and salt and cook until the noodle is cooked. Oil will make noodles shiny and non-stick-able.

At the same time, prepare another pan and add oil. Add the 1 spoon cumin, garlic, onion, green pepper. And then add the 2-3 spoon of sauce( Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce, white vinegar, soy-sauce) until cooked.

Mix with noodles in and add a few green onion. Then the chow mien is ready to got!

Pasta or noodle( You can decide what kind of noodles you like.)

1 green pepper, 1 bowl of frozen veggies, onion, carrot, green onion. ( You can add more veggies if you like.)

spices: Soy Sauce,  White Vinegar, Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce, Salt, Black pepper

Vegan Pesto Pasta with more Veggies

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