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Chipotle is easy to make and low calories meal will keep your body fit!



1. Mash the avocado paste

2. Add 1/4 raw onion、a small spoon of salt、halt lemon juice

Black bean

1. Wash black beans and put into Instant pot

2. Add 3 bowl of water and 0.5 spoon of Chipotle pepper with a small spoon of salt.

3. Close the instant pot and lid. Change to “Bean mode”( it will show 40 mins)

Garbanzo Beans

1. Add oil, and stir fry the onion to soft

2. Stir fry with red, yellow pepper and mix with half spoon of turmeric、half spoon of salt

3. Add Garbanzo Beans(this is the brand I bought) and stir fry 5 mins


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