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Sometimes you get more lazy to do groceries shopping after work. And waiting the long line sometimes is frustrated. Prime now will be the good choices for you. Even more, Amazon acquired whole food in 2017, so people can enjoy fresh, organic and get more healthy life. 

Amazon Prime Now

1. Explore Prime now Cities

Here’s current available cities but I’ll recommend to check the Zip-code.


2. How to Register/ Enroll

If you are non-student new user, please click here to get $12.99 and cancel anytime you want. If you are new international student user, please click here to register and get 6 month free shipping.

3. FREE 1~2 Hour delivery

Get FREE two-hour delivery or scheduled delivery on over 10,000 items, from groceries to electronics and more. The minimum order will be $35.

If there’s any frozen food included the order, someone should stay home and wait. 

Prime now time

4. Fees

4.1 First order promotion

Please type SAVE10WF so you will enjoy $10 off. 

Whole food coupon

4.2 Tips 

Prime now suggest to tip $5. You can be able to change a Prime Now tip up to 24 hours after delivery,。

Prime now tip

5. Instruction

Click the items you need and add them to your shopping cart.

Whole food 2

6. Checking Deliver’s current location

Unlike Online delivery App, it will show you the ETA( Estimated Time Arrival), Prime Now will provide you the ambiguous time zone( 1~2 hours). But you will receive the notification when the driver is nearby. 

UberEATS changes booking fee based on distance

I highly recommend to get ready in advance and give them a big thanks! 

Whole food 3

7. Online delivery( Cooked food)

More info and coupon please check Online delivery App: UberEATS、 DoorDash、Grubhub、Postmates,.

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