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Finally, we’ve decided to participate in an outdoor activity this weekend, and to make it even better, many of our friends will be joining us on this hiking trip. Our journey begins on winding mountain roads.

We relished in the verdant nature, breathing in the crisp, fresh air, and were pleasantly surprised by a charming deer crossing our path.

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This time, we all agreed to take on a moderate hike along the Coyote Ridge and Pomponio trails, abandoning our original plan for an easier hike, which would have only spanned 0.75 miles.

Although the trail was rated as moderate, the total elevation gain was only 1000 feet, but the distance was long – spanning 6.5 miles. It took us roughly 4 hours to complete the hike. The trail was adorned with the lush greenery of summer, and along the way, we spotted some unfamiliar animal feces on the path.

Towards the end of the hike, we were unsure about the end of the loop, so a few members of our team walked ahead and went for a small run to look for signs. Meanwhile, the rest of us spent some time examining each marker and enjoyed the novelty of a few mosquito bites in the Bay Area. Thankfully, we eventually found our way to the destination point, and we were relieved that we didn’t have a repeat of our previous experience with the “Big Basin hiking at night” mishap. As everyone regrouped, we exchanged greetings and remarked on how good it was to be back in the real world.

Five years memory in NYC

In any case, our arrival at an unfamiliar destination was a mix of fear, excitement, and an unforgettable experience. As I looked back on the hike, I couldn’t help but wish that I could relive the moment with the warmth of these friends by my side once again.

Portola State park Info (2)

Portola State Park Info


To reach the park, take Highway 35 and turn west onto Alpine Road, then continue for 3 miles until you reach Portola State Park Road. Bear in mind that both roads are steep and winding, so it’s best to use low gear when driving. 


Day use hours: 6am-Sunset (In severe weather the park might be closed.)
Visitor Center: Thursday through Sunday 10am to 4pm 

[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d101603.38491559628!2d-122.2831564475657!3d37.2689186798547!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x808fadadd14ce5a7%3A0xb134c7289ce816dd!2sPortola+State+Park+Rd%2C+La+Honda%2C+CA+94020!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1532898841978&w=600&h=450]

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